

Photo: Contextos

A place for members and partners to connect, collaborate, build organizational capacity, and improve international development strategies, the Simmons Center offers the space to working together to strengthen Chicago’s global impact.

To become a member, you must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working on global development or human rights issues. You must have staff or board members in the Chicago area, be engaged in activities dedicated to improving the economic, social and/or environmental conditions worldwide and/or dedicated to addressing the needs and issues impacting immigrant and refugee communities in the Chicago area. The membership benefits extend to all staff and board members as appropriate. All nonprofit groups will be considered members; other interested entities will be considered partners.

  • $150
    Up to $100,000
  • $250
  • $500
  • $750
  • $1,000
    $3,000,000 and above

Benefits of Membership

Members will enjoy access to a diverse network of peers and a wealth of resources that will enable them to work faster and more effectively.

  • Enhance the profile and amplify the presence of your organization
  • Your name and logo included on Simmons Center website - readily connecting interested people to you and you to service providers 
  • Promote your organization’s events and news on Simmons Center website and social media
  • Recognition in Simmons Center promotional materials, social media, annual reports, website
  • Access networking, organizational strengthening, and professional development
  • Members-only discussion platforms with colleagues
  • Members-only communities of practice affinity group meetings
  • Members-only intern program
  • Members-only grant opportunities
  • Job board for staff, interns, and board opportunities
  • Access to Simmons Center trainings and expert panels “Ask an Expert” programs and topical symposia
  • $250–$1,000
    Social enterprises, small businesses, consultants, and government entities
  • $1,000-$10,000
    Universities and allied organizations
  • $1,000-$25,000
    Philanthropists, foundations, wealth advisors
  • $2,500-$25,000
    Business and corporate partners

Benefits of Membership

Members will enjoy access to a diverse network of peers and a wealth of resources that will enable them to work faster and more effectively.

  • Enhance the profile and amplify the presence of your organization
  • Your name and logo included on Simmons Center website and office space - readily connecting interested people to you and you to service providers 
  • Promote your organization’s events and news on Simmons Center website and social media
  • Recognition in Simmons Center promotional materials, social media, annual reports, website
  • Access networking, organizational strengthening, and professional development
  • Members-only communities of practice affinity group meetings
  • Members-only intern program
  • Members-only grant opportunities
  • Job Board for staff, interns, and board opportunities
  • Access to Simmons Center trainings and expert panels including “Ask an Expert” programs and topical symposia .
  • Members-only discussion platforms with colleagues

Members and partners commit to…

  • Uphold the Simmons Center’s core values
  • Promote the Simmons Center as a place to convene and strengthen the global Chicago community
  • Share knowledge and information with your peers to create a stronger global Chicago community
  • Participate in an annual survey of connections and activities
  • Contribute to the Simmons Center community through leadership, working groups, peer collaboration, communications, or other channels

Our Members and Partners

Join your peers to strengthen and deepen collaboration and meet global challenges.

Apna GharApna Ghar
Art Works ProjectsArt Works Projects
Bulamu HealthcareBulamu Healthcare
Chicago Community TrustChicago Community Trust
Chicago Council on Global AffairsChicago Council on Global Affairs
Chicago Fair TradeChicago Fair Trade
Chicago Refugee CoalitionChicago Refugee Coalition
Children UpChildren Up
Children's Place InternationalChildren's Place International
Civic Infrastructure CollaborativeCivic Infrastructure Collaborative
Cofan Survival FundCofan Survival Fund
Council of International ProgramsCouncil of International Programs
Crossing Borders MusicCrossing Borders Music
El Fuego del SolEl Fuego del Sol
Ensemble MediaEnsemble Media
Essence Consulting CollaborativeEssence Consulting Collaborative
Four Corners Global Consulting GroupFour Corners Global Consulting Group
Girl ForwardGirl Forward
Girls Supporting GirlsGirls Supporting Girls
Global Alliance for AfricaGlobal Alliance for Africa
Goldin InstituteGoldin Institute
Heartland Alliance InternationalHeartland Alliance International
Heifer InternationalHeifer International
India Development ServiceIndia Development Service
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health ClinicLake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic
Lily ProjectLily Project
Lynne J. Davidson, LLCLynne J. Davidson, LLC
MacArthur FoundationMacArthur Foundation
Milaan FoundationMilaan Foundation
New Life for HaitiNew Life for Haiti
Northern Illinois University Center for Nonprofit and NGO StudiesNorthern Illinois University Center for Nonprofit and NGO Studies
Northwestern University- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Northwestern University- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International
Peace JourneyPeace Journey
Project C.U.R.E.Project C.U.R.E.
Refugee Action NetworkRefugee Action Network
Refugee Education and Adventure Challenge (REACH)Refugee Education and Adventure Challenge (REACH)
Society for International Development - USSociety for International Development - US
Soondra FoundationSoondra Foundation
Surge for WaterSurge for Water
The University of Chicago Development Economics Center at Becker Friedman InstituteThe University of Chicago Development Economics Center at Becker Friedman Institute
The University of Chicago Harris School of Public PolicyThe University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
UNA-USA Chicago ChapterUNA-USA Chicago Chapter
Unlocking CommunitiesUnlocking Communities
Upwardly GlobalUpwardly Global
Voices and Faces ProjectVoices and Faces Project
Women's Global Education ProjectWomen's Global Education Project
World Bicycle ReliefWorld Bicycle Relief
World ChicagoWorld Chicago
World Wildlife FundWorld Wildlife Fund
Worldview SolutionsWorldview Solutions

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